You and your personal data

You and your personal data

What is your personal data and who is using it? The term “personal data”

HR & Data

HR & Data

The human resource function regardless of in-house or outsourced have a wide range of

What is the Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM)

What is the Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM)

The Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) is a voluntary enterprise-wide certification for organizations to demonstrate

Get Rid of Employee Appraisal Bias – Optimize Performance of Remote Employees

Get Rid of Employee Appraisal Bias – Optimize Performance of Remote Employees

The world is stepping into the future, breaking away from the conventional office style workplace and transitioning towards the

Remote works is becoming the new normal. Is your company prepared?

Remote works is becoming the new normal. Is your company prepared?

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the way people live around the globe. This year has

The biggest data breaches in Singapore and Malaysia

The biggest data breaches in Singapore and Malaysia

In recent years,  data breaches has become the most serious business risk globally. In